Pacuare River Rafting Costa Rica

by AEA on June 3, 2010

Costa Rica Travel Adventure

Want some adventure for a change? Tired of vacations on the beach? Want to make that honeymoon an adventure to remember? Costa Rica

offers some of the world’s finest whitewater rafting rivers. The Pacuare (pah KWAH ray) river is the most scenic rafter river in Costa Rica and is recognized as one of the top five whitewater rafting rivers in the world. The Pacaure plunges through a pectacularly beautiful tropical wilderness located on the Caribbean slope East of San Jose. The river is surrounded by lush
vegetation, canyon walls, dramatic waterfalls, a variety of wildlife, and a pristine rainforest are found along the river. The wildlife includes jaguars, monkeys, sloth’s, butterflies, and all kinds of tropical birds. This is one of the most magnificent rivers you will ever see!

This world class rafting trip
features moderate to difficult Class III and Class IV rapids.There are some parts of the river that are Class
V but are only accessible by advanced rafters. The average trip is 18 miles with both rapids and calm waters. Both the novice and experience rafter will come away with memories that will last a life time. There is no other trip in Costa Rica offers you a perfect mix of virgin rain forest and excitement,

The lowland tropical forest here is remarkable for its variety and the amazing abundance and diversity of wildlife. Other rivers such as the Telire and the Chirripó Atlántico can match the beauty of the Pacuare but require either a multi-day carry-in or the services of a helicopter. The Pacuare river is quite accessible. The river run includes a total of 52 rapids, more then most other rivers in the world.

The Pacuare river trip canbe completed in one day but an overnight trip gives more time to enjoy the scenery. A two day trip allows time for a few short hikes. There are some jungle trails that were used by local Campesinos (Spanish term for farmer). Yourrafting guide will be able to provide the best locations for hiking and camping. Many of the camping sites are privately owned.

The first few miles consist of Class II – III boulder gardens and simple drops. Much of the forest vegetation is secondary growth and very beautiful. The next 5 miles is within the Pacuare River Gorge that has some of the best whitewater in Costa Rica. The rapids have names like “Terciopelo snake”, “Double drop”, “Upper and Lower Huacas” and “Pin ball”. The river also passes the 150 foot Huacas waterfall.

The next 5 miles are on the Valle del Pacuare where the land opens up and provides an opportunity for viewing more wildlife. Here you will find the “Cimarrones”, “The Play Hole”, “El Indio” and “Magnetic Rock” rapids.

The trip ends in Siquirres, the town itself is of little interest. Cheap accommodations and eateries can be had around town. However Siquirres is close to several small reserves and the massive Tortuguero National Park, a few hours away by boat.

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