Printable Word Scramble for a Baby Shower
Ages: 6 +
Players: 1 +
How to Play: A word scramble is a game that gives you a bunch of letters that you need to rearrange and unscramble to make a real word. For example, if the first one was the letters: aptry you would need to rearrange the letters to spell the word party.
This printable word scramble was put together for a game at a baby shower. Give your guests a time limit of around 5 to 10 minutes to complete the worksheet, and then see who got the most right. You can hand out a prize to the winner. Just remember you could have more than one winner, so have more than one prize on hand or prepare a tie breaker of some sort.
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- Click to download the attached file(s):
- baby_shower_word_scramble_1.pdf