Angel and Church made from Terra Cotta Pots

by AEA on November 18, 2010

Terra Cotta Pot Angel and Church

Making your own church and angels out of Terra Cotta pots:

1. Collect all your materials:

  • 2 Terra Cotta pots for your church (2 different sizes) and a saucer to match your larger pot
  • 5 - two inch terra cotta pots (for 4 angels)
  • Paint
  • Sealer
  • Gold bell
  • Wood cross
  • Mini wood spool (to hold the pole for your bell)
  • Wood pole
  • 4 Wood balls (angel heads)
  • White foam
  • Gold glitter
  • Fake hair for your angels
  • Gold ribbon
  • Wire or fake rings for angel’s halo
  • Hot glue gun

2. Sand off any rough spots on your Terra Cotta pots.

3. Clean your Terra Cotta pots if necessary. It is important to have a clean surface when you start, so the paint will adhere better. You can wash your Terra Cotta pots with bleach water (10% bleach), soapy water or you can stick them in the dish washer. After your Terra Cotta pots are well rinsed, let them sit out over night to make sure they fully dry. Terra Cotta pots are porous and it is important to make sure that there is no moisture in your pots. If there is any moisture in your pots the paint will eventually bubble up.

4. Next seal all your pots Terra Cotta inside and out. This will help protect any moisture from getting in and it will also help your pot not need as much as paint. There is a sealer that is made especially for Terra Cotta pots that you should be able to find at most larger craft stores with there Terra Cotta pots. I purchased mine at Micheals. You can also use most water based polyurethanes or sealers, just read their label to make sure they are okay to use with paint. Some sealers will smudge your paint job. Don’t use oil based polyurethanes, they will leave a yellow tint to your project.

5. Paint all your pots and wood parts for your angels and church.

6. Cut out your wings and shirt (optional) for you angels. Put your gold glitter on your wings.

7. Start putting together all your Terra Cotta pots and angels heads. Hot glue guns work great.

8. After all your pots and wood parts are in place, touch up any paint jobs that need it and then seal them. It is a good idea to put on a few coats of sealer on.

9. Then add all of your other materials to complete your angels and church.

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