Wedding Budget

by AEA on April 1, 2010

The Budget

This is typically the most stressful part of the whole process. Who is going to be paying for what? How much will it cost? Traditionally the Bride’s family pays for a large portion of the wedding, but in today’s society it can go anyway. In some situations the Groom’s family feels that they should have equal responsibility in financially and physically helping with the wedding. There are also many bride and grooms paying for their own wedding, which is not as depressing as it sounds. One benefitto paying for your own wedding is that you don’t have to worry so much about other’s opinions. When families are helping to pay for the wedding they typically would like some power over where the money goes. Then worrying about making everyone happy that is providing financial assistance is enough to drive some people crazy.

Traditionally the Bride’s Family pays for the following:

  • the wedding dress and accessories,
  • ceremony fees,
  • invitations,
  • flowers,
  • photography,
  • music,
  • decorations,
  • reception costs, etc.

Traditionally the Groom’s family pays for the following:

  • marriage license,
  • officiant’s fee,
  • corsages for the moms and grandmothers,
  • boutonnieres for groomsmen,
  • rehearsal dinner,
  • sometimes the honeymoon

If you are not for sure what your parents will be able to contribute, it is a good idea to get a rough estimate on what you want to spend before talking with them. Filling out a budget worksheet will help you determine everything that you may need to consider in determining a realistic estimate on the cost of your ideal wedding.

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