From the category archives:


DIY Exploding Balloon

Exploding Balloons If you like to decorate for parties, the exploding balloon is one of the better ideas. Here is an easy and inexpensive way to have the same balloon exploding effects as the pros. You must assemble the pieces and then attach to the balloons. This method works for one or several balloons and [...]

Wedding Flower Arrangements

Arrangements Brides Bouquet There are three categories of wedding bouquets: Cascade, Round and Hand-tied. The cascade is shaped like the waterfall, flowers on the top are emphasized, with more flowers flowing down and greeneries blended throughout. The round shaped bouquet has a round shape with different floral varieties tightly blended together will little greenery The [...]

How to build a Balloon Arch

Balloon Arch A balloon arch works great to highlight an entrance or exit. You can build a single balloon arch, multi balloon arch or rainbow arch. Before you decide on what design you would like to go with, here are a few general hints. - Helium filled balloons start to fall 7 to 15 hours [...]